Snapchat From The Closet

LGBTQ+ acceptance in Singapore is low, leading to social challenges. Oogachaga, a community-based non-profit organization, utilized Snapchat to offer confidential support to Singapore's LGBTQ+ youth, providing instant advice and help.


In Singapore, the existence of section 377A within the Penal Code criminalizes gay sex, and local schools lack a comprehensive sexual education curriculum that promotes inclusivity. It's alarming that approximately 40% of Singaporeans still hold negative views about homosexuality, further perpetuating stigma. Statistics also reveal that gay teenagers are 4 times more susceptible to experiencing depression and engaging in suicide attempts.

The question at hand is: How can we ensure that vulnerable LGBTQ+ youth access the support and information they urgently need? Our answer lies in a discreet approach that respects their comfort and confidentiality. That's why we've chosen Snapchat as the platform to engage with them. It's where they're already at, where they can ask questions and receive answers that disappear in just 3 seconds. Whether they're seeking straightforward advice or guidance on coming out, they know they can rely on us for the safest and most confidential support.

Through Oogachaga's counseling initiative on Snapchat, LGBTQ+ youth in Singapore gain immediate and confidential support, making it a secure haven for them.

This project has earned creative awards both on a global and local scale.

Client: Oogachaga
Ogilvy & Mather Singapore
Art Director:
Foo Jong Ling
Copywriter: Siti Khalid
Creative Director:
 Joao Braga, Axel Grimald


Cannes Lions Festival 2016 —

Silver in Media (Public Health & Safety)

Lisbon International Advertising Festival 2016 —
Gold in Mobile (Public Service)
Gold in Mobile (Best Use of Media)‍

Singapore Creative Circle Awards 2016 —
Silver in Mobile (Innovative Use of Social)